Strange week with no regularities and lots of one offs. Makes life interesting but you have to be flexible to just go with it.
My construction work came to a halt (whether momentary or long term is yet to be determined), and so again I find myself at home passing the time with a wide variety of activities. I’m spending lots of time on the computer and am trying to be productive – have organised a few upcoming gradings and events for the school which is good. I have an AGM and bunch of tasks to complete for that committee yet am not finding myself tremendously motivated since I lack much moral support in that department. I have used the free time to catch up with a variety of good friends, Michelle (and baby Sean) who I went to uni with, Webb who I sing with and even caught up with Ian who unfortunately is succumbing to his cancer. Great to see him but sad to be given a bunch of stuff as he doesn’t have need for anymore.
2 out of the blue teaching engagements this week. An acting class tonight specialising in clowning although I have given them a lot of my repertoire already. Hmm, will try to recap and expand on said material I suppose. Tomorrow I have an early start to get to Beaudesert to teach a primary class some Medieval swordplay. Wish I had that option as a kid! Usually goes quite well and since I’m down that way, I’ll drop in and visit Viv on the way back. Maybe I can drop off the bike and pick up the posters while I’m southside?
Enjoyed a singing lesson this morning – first since the concert. It was good to pul out and go over some older material. have to create a repertoire for my “Special” group concert on 12th September. Being the featured artist I’ll have to have songs from my two recent groups, Dimensions13 and Folk Ensemble, as well as about 4 solos. So choosing which songs I want to sing so I can specie them up. For solos I’m thinking “Easy like Sunday Morning” by Lionel Richie, “Forever Autumn” from “War of the Worlds”, “Ave Maria” (Beyonces recent version), and “Lady in Red” by Chris Burgh. Bit of variety there! I even watched the movie “Lady in Red” but it was entirely unrelated.
Finally managed to upoad my acro photos onto Facebook. Hopefully I can add some videos shortly too. Miss out tomorrow night but start again on Sat. I’ve been watching my Cirque du Soleil DVDS and getting some ideas!!
- Kate is upside down yet again!
Oh Hi Sifu. BTW Karen and I both read this blog entry the day you published it. There just wasn’t anything we could comment on (beside Meagan Fox’s ass that is :). I hope your silence since then was because you didn’t think anyone had read it…
On the bright side… less time wasted procrastinating on your blog. 🙂