Infringements and Consequences

Brisbane School of Kung Fu Grading Information

Brisbane Kung Fu – Wu Te – Infringements and Consequences

Small Infringements

Small infringements earn the smallest punishment of 20 push-­ups. This may include things such as:

  • Hitting the ball against the roof during soccer
  • Kicking the ball into someone’s face during soccer
  • Uncontrolled or dangerous play during warm up
  • Turning up late to class
  • Wearing watch or excessive jewellery
  • Negative body language (inc facial expressions, crossed arms, hands on hips, resting against walls etc)
  • Mobile phone ringing (without permission)
  • Not having full uniform
  • Not training in class (lazing about, disappearing outside for periods at a time)
  • Distracting others in class
  • Dropping a weapon (through ‘mucking about’)
  • Neglect or ego causing injury to classmate
  • Minor disrespect to a Shi Xiong or Shifu, examples:
    1. Not using title
    2. Not following instruction
    3. Talking back
    4. Giving ‘attitude”
    5. Leaving class unannounced
  • Minor disrespect to class or classmate, examples:
    1. Inappropriate language (swearing, teasing, threatening)
    2. Inappropriate behaviour (contact, bullying, rudeness)

Medium Infringements

Medium infringements will earn a timeout of 30 minutes or an hour. This should be in the Guan, no access to phone, and no interaction with other students. This would include such things as:

  • Repeated small infringements
  • Major disrespect to a Shi Xiong or Shifu
    1. Disobeying
    2. Swearing
    3. Challenging
    4. Leaving an event unannounced
  • Major disrespect to class or classmate
    1. Bullying (swearing, teasing, threatening etc)
    2. Discriminatory behaviour (sexual, racial, hierarchal, etc)
    3. Inappropriate aggression or violence
    4. Lack of care (causing injury to someone, endangering others)

Major Infringements

Major infringements will earn suspension from training either temporary or permanent without recompense. The period may be determined or approved by a number of other Shifus, and Shi Xiongs.

  • Repeated medium infringements
  • Major disrespect to Shi Xiong or Shifu
  • Major disrespect to class or classmate


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